The Right Candida Diet


Learn About Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor in Our Video Below



For anyone that has suffered with even the mildest infection of Candida they are well aware of the battle you face trying to eliminate this yeast from your body.
Treatment Is Simple
First course will be taken over a 5 day period – 1 tablet 4 times a day with food containing some fat content. Then wait 10 days. Second course will be taken over the next 5 days - 1 tablet 4 times a day. Then wait 10 more days. Third course will be taken over the next 5 days - 1 tablet 4 times a day.
The treatment is now complete.- It Could Not Be Easier!
For anyone that has suffered with even the mildest infection of Candida they are well aware of the battle you face trying to eliminate this yeast from your body.

Your Battle is Over thanks to Candida Cell Wall Suppressor

Candida Cell Wall Suppressor (Chitinsynthesisinhibitor) works by inhibiting the production of something called CHITIN. Chitin is found in insects and fungus and it is created by these organisms as an exoskeleton. Think of it as a natural armor suit. The yeast Candida also produces its own layer of chitin in its cell wall; this is the reason why it can be so hard for the human body’s immune system to attack it. Candida Cell Wall Suppressor prevents the yeast from producing this layer of chitin to protect itself and without this protection your body can naturally attack and kill the fungus. What makes this compound such a great solution to your Candida infection is that it is a totally inert chemical that has no effect on ANY of the human systems. As humans have no body processes that involve the creation of chitin, then taking a chitin inhibitor will have no effect on the human body – it will however make the yeast vulnerable that’s infecting your system. The compound has been tested for many years on mammals and has shown consistently to have zero adverse effects, even when taken in massive dosages.

Eliminate the Candida Fungus From Your Body Easily, Safely and Prescription Free.

Your Candida Infection CAN Be Beaten! Say goodbye to yeast infections, Candida and Candidiasis for good!

If you have struggled with Candida and have been searching for a safe and simple solution, then look no further. I have the answer for you!

The medical profession is now much more aware of the problems Candida causes and will urge you to take action quickly if you have a Candida infection to prevent serious complications.
Candida Albicans – The Unseen Epidemic The number of people suffering from Candida cannot be pinpointed as most of them do not realise that the multiple symptoms they are suffering from are cause by a fungus infection. The reason for this explosion in Candida infections is due to two simple reasons.
  • diet
  • antibiotic use
Firstly, our diet now comprises of sugar and refined foods. This is prime growth medium for Candida. Secondly, the prolific use of antibiotics has lead to bacteria in our guts being destroyed. These bacteria usually control the Candida from spreading. As you can see, this makes your body the perfect home for the Candida fungus!
So What Do You Do To Combat Candida?
  • Change your diet and eliminate all your favorite foods – Forever?
  • Countless trips to the doctor to be prescribed anti fungal medications?


There Is No Need To Put Your Body Through This Anymore!
Step One – Understanding Candida!
Candida infection is fast becoming recognized as a major cause of illness and should be treated quickly and effectively in patients. Candida Albicans is a fungal yeast that is present naturally in the human gut; everyone has Candida albicans living within them to some extent. The yeast becomes problematic when it grows beyond normal levels and spreads throughout the gastrointestinal tract, into the bloodstream and from there throughout the body. Candida infection (candidiasis) has many different symptoms depending on the level of infection and where it has spread to. Once the yeast has access to the bloodstream it has the capability to spread to any vital system. This is called systemic Candida. The fungus is normally kept under control within the human body by the naturally occurring flora (bacteria) that live in the body. These bacteria feed on the fungus and so keep levels to a low number and stop it from becoming a problem.

Step Two – Make Candida Vulnerable To Your Immune System!

Candida fungus is protected from the human environment by its cellular membrane which is comprised of a layer formation called chitin. Your own cells fight Candida by producing an enzyme called chitinase which breaks down the yeast cell wall exposing it and making it vulnerable to attack by the body’s immune system. In a system wide infection there is simply too much of the yeast for the body to fight and it is at that point we begin to see symptoms of the yeast infection.
Chitin acts like a suit of armor to the fungus. Imagine you punch someone who wears a suit of armor – they feel nothing!
Remove the armor and your immune system can land a killer punch on the Candida Fungus!
There is a simple, scientifically proven solution to Candida. It is fast, effective and gentle on your vital systems.
Candida Cell Wall Inhibitor is a chitin synthesis inhibitor. It works by inhibiting the production of CHITIN. Chitin is found in insects and fungus and it is created by these organisms as an exoskeleton. The yeast Candida also produces its own layer of chitin in its cell wall; this is the reason why it can be so hard for the human body’s immune system to attack it.Chitin synthesis inhibitor is a compound that prevents the yeast from producing this layer of chitin to protect itself and without this protection your body can naturally attack and kill the fungus! What makes this compound such a great solution to your Candida infection is that it is a totally inert chemical that has no effect on ANY of the human systems.

Candida Cell Wall Suppressor– CHITIN SYNTHESIS INHIBITOR Is The Solution To Candida Infection!


What Our Customers Say!

I have been working with this product for three months now, and I have had over 30 patients go through the 35 day protocol, these patients have had different levels of symptoms from Candida and Fungal Infections. I have had clients who have had Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Anxiety, Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fibroid Tumours, Thrush, Depression, Obesity, Post Natal Depression, Infertility, Diabetes, Mental Illness, the list goes on. The results have been somewhat incredible. Even though there has been a healing crisis to work through, the improvement in overall well being and the first signs of health have started to come back for all of those people, it has meant alot more energy and stamina, natural weight loss, improved eye sight and hearing, warts disappearing, memory retention, less joint pain, reduced sinus pain, no headaches and migraines, Thrush totally clearing, fungal nails and athletes foot clearing, bowel motions returning to normal, hormones rebalancing, PMS and PMT disappearing, For all of my clients it has been well worth it.
All my clients are now tested for systemic candida and if they truly want to get rid of it, this is the only product I now recommend. I have not had one client disappointed with the results it has given them.
Jo-Anne, Naturopath
After taking a course of antibiotics I developed a slight rash under my beard which would get flakey and red when I did not shave regularly. I tried a topical antifungal cream which seemed to help but the rash would return as soon as I stopped applying it. Also, applying a cream to your face three or four times a day is a little awkward. A friend recommended I try Lufenuron and I reluctantly tried as I was not even sure the rash was fungal. After one day the rash seemed more aggravated and inflamed than ever which I took as a sign that the medicine was definitely doing something and this could be a "die off" reaction. I continued the course and after two days the rash was looking much better. On the third day it was almost completely gone and a couple of days later there was absolutely no sign of it. It has now been two months with no return. I also noticed a couple of other small itchy patches on my body during
John, UK
Think back to all those diets and medications you have tried, how disheartening it felt when the infection would just flair up again.
No other product tackles the Candida fungus in this way.
Kill Your Candida Infection Now!


The damage that the candida fungus can do is extensive and can even cause death. The longer you wait to treat the infection then the more likely it is for the fungus to release spores into your bloodstream and spread to other vital systems in your body. There is even new evidence coming to light that Candida albicans could be the cause of the majority of cancers in the western world. This is shocking and is rapidly being backed up by many scientific studies in oncology.
Getting rid of the Candida fungus from your body is the biggest gift you could ever give yourself!

When will I feel better?

The chitin synthesis inhibitor will begin dissolving the protective coating of the fungus within the first few days of you taking the course. Quite often at this point you will experience something called a healing crisis. This occurs in people who have extensive fungal infection throughout their bodies. Once the healing crisis is over (usually in a few days) then you will feel more energy and better health than you have in a long time! Please allow 14 days for delivery by registered post.  

Candida Cell Wall Suppressor - $127 including free registered post delivery

  Candida Cell Wall Suppressor also has no known drug interactions as it is an inert compound. Even if you have not had a test for the Candida yeast but still suspect it is causing you ill health, taking chitin synthesis inhibitor will not affect you negatively if you do not have Candida.



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